1-855-ANGEL41 info@stillcelebratingyou.com

THANK YOU – Panache Desai !!

“Every situation, no matter how challenging, is conspiring to bring you into greater vibrational energy. Are you open to expanding your vibration and frequency?” – Panache –

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WOW – What a great Super Soul Sunday !! Oprah introduced me and I am sure so many others to this incredible source of ENERGY and one of the most LOVING vibrations that I have witnessed. 

We were leaving for Mammoth this day and what a great way to help Papalove and my “mindset” as we traveled to a destination near and dear to our hearts and filled with  MEMORIES of our brother Jimbo.

Panache has a way of capturing the essence of LOVE and expressing it in a way that goes right to your Soul.  I encourage everyone to visit his website and blogs.
